Free Cup of Curdled Milk - Yours Today

Don't you want one? Why not? Is it because it's old, out of date and useless?

You wouldn't do that to your body would you, so why would you even dream of doing it to your business? So many people are using outdated marketing from books written 10 years ago. We're here to put a stop to that.

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Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Dreams Don't Exist

What's your dream job? If you could do any job what would it be? Let me tell you about the one thing you can do to dramatically change your life. Seriously, as soon as I realised this and thought it through it completely transformed the way I think of things and achieve them.

If you have a dream job a dream income, a dream lifestyle then you can almost guarantee that you'll never achieve it. Like a boy in the classroom dreaming of lunch, like the dreams you have of flying through the air - dreams are figments of your imagination - they are intangible fantasies who live in the realm of your subconscious and can never be achieved.

The simple change I made was to stop calling things 'Dreams' and call them my goals, the things I wanted. This takes them from the realm of fantasy in tot he real, tangible world where they can be achieved.

Try it and I am certain you will be surprised at just how much this transforms the way you achieve your desires.

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